國科會生技醫藥生物資訊核心設施每年開辦超過10場的生物資訊電腦實作課程,廣受好評。因應全民防疫,短期將不開辦教育訓練。為持續提供更多生醫領域研究人員學習生物資訊分析技術,我們將推出一系列較好叫座的線上課程教學影片,滿足您不必出外即可提昇專業能力的需求! 首先為您推出的是UCSC Xena線上課程,UCSC Xena是一個網絡介面的視覺化探索工具,用於癌症多體學數據和相關臨床及表型註解資料分析。本核心計畫於2019年12月特別邀請美國UCSC Genome Center 團隊來台進行UCSC Xena(http://xena.ucsc.edu/)實機授課(課程收費2000元),課程深獲好評!課後收到反應郵件,因日期無法配合或其他因素,希望有機會能參與課程。由於受疫情的影響,實體課程短期內將無法開辦。為了滿足大家的需求,特別剪輯2019年12月的課程,提供線上教學實作,線上課程無須受時間、地點的限制,更能在課程期限內重複觀看課程,讓您的學習更有效率!
課程資訊 線上課程名稱: UCSC Xena Course Description UCSC Xena (http://xena.ucsc.edu/) is a web-based visual integration and exploration tool for multi-omic data and associated clinical and phenotypic annotations. Xena showcases seminal cancer genomics datasets from TCGA, the Pan-Cancer Atlas, PCAWG, GDC, GTEx, ICGC, and more; a total of more than 1500 datasets across 50 cancer types. We support virtually every type of functional genomics data including positional mutation data, copy number variation, gene and exon expression, DNA methylation, and protein expression, as well as phenotype and clinical data such as age and subtype. Instructor Biography Mary Goldman has been working in genomics for eight years, both for the UCSC Genome Browser and the UCSC cancer research group. She currently works as the Design and Outreach Engineer for UCSC Xena, engaging with researchers of all skill levels through workshops, presentations, papers, posters, social media and more. She also leads our user design efforts, including user testing, prototyping, and feedback collection.