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Unit 5 : Structural proteomics and pharmaceutical application

This component project will focus on the bioinformatics infrastructure of post-genomic analysis, especially in the field of structural proteomics and pharmaceutical application. However, other general computational tools, algorithms and educational resources will be developed as well.


唐傳義  教授 靜宜大學資訊工程學系
鄧致剛  教授 長庚大學寄生蟲學科
羅惟正  副教授 國立陽明交通大學生物科技學系
黃柏榕  副教授 長庚大學生物醫學系
李季青  助理教授 長庚大學資訊工程學系
A.On-line services and software
(1) Next generation sequencing related tools

(a) DSAP- Deep Sequencing Small RNA Analysis Pipeline, a web server designed to provide a total solution to analyze small RNAs sequencing data generated by SOLEXA.

(b) SoRT2 - A Tool for Sorting Genomes and Reconstructing Phylogenetic Trees by Reversals, Generalized Transpositions and Translocations

(c) SPRING- Sorting Permutation by Reversals and block-INterchanGes

(d) ROBIN- A Tool for Genome Rearrangement of Block-Interchanges

(e) SORTBI- Sorting by Block-Interchanges

(f) GPDB- Genome Profile Database. GPDB has been developed to provide and compare features of the fully sequenced organisms in a graphic and easy-reading way. We focus on these prokaryotes including bacteria and archaea. In this post-genome era, we try to grab the information derived from both nucleotide and protein sequence in a genome-wide scale. We provide some "Genome Profile", develop on-line graphic browsing interface and use hierarchical clustering method to compare and view the difference between these organisms.

(2) Structural analysis tools

(a) iSARST- Integrated service of SARST (Structure Alignment by Ramachandran Search Tool) and CPSARST (Circular Permutation Search Aided by Ramachandran Sequential Transformation)

(b) Tm Predictor- Melting Temperature Prediction; Predict thermal stability of proteins

(3) Structural database:

(a) CPDB- Circular Permutation Database. The CPDB provides resources for studying CP and CP relationships among protein structures.

(b) nsLTPDB - the non-specific Lipid Transfer Protein Database for Plant

(4) Sequence Analysis:

(a) BLAST- BLAST against PDB protein databank

(b) RPS-BLAST- Search protein or DNA sequence against Motif/Domain database

(c) FASTA- Pair-wise Sequences Alignment

(d) Gene Predict- Gene Prediction Program for Prokaryotic Genome Sequence

(5) Miscellaneous tools:

(a) KPST - KEGG Pathway Search Tool

(b) RMA- A Reniforced Merging Algorithm to searching unique peptide motifs

B.Customized data analysis on structural proteomics and pharmaceutical application