Home / About Us / Coordination Center and Statistical Genetics
The coordination center coordinates web portal services, customized services and education programs in this core, including making available analytical tools and databases on-line, establishing task forces within this core to provide customized services, and organizing symposiums, workshops and education programs.
The long-term objective of this unit is to provide the state-of-the-art bioinformatics services to investigators in the area of genetics, genomics and proteomics research. Our effort is concentrated on functional genomics and translational medicine. Unit 1 provides in-house developed databases and analytical tools of genomics and proteomics and customized data analysis in related areas.
A.On-line services and software |
(1) AI4ACP: Identify Anti-Cancer Peptides in AI. (2) AI4AVP: Identify Anti-Viral Peptides in AI. (3) CISA: A software for contig Integrator for Sequence Assembly. (4) CNVVdb: A database of copy number variations across vertebrate genomes. (5) Cyto-Hubba: A Java plugin for Cytoscape. (6) docexpress: A galaxy docker for estimation of Expression profiling based on Genome reference in RNA-seq. (7) ELN: ELN are software programs designed to replace paper laboratory notebooks. (8) ENACE System: Identification and evolutionary analysis of novel exons and alternative splicing events. (9) FamPipe: FamPipe is a comprehensive analysis pipeline for family data. Monitoring the antigenic evolution of human influenza A viruses to understand how and when viruses escape from existing immunity. (10) fluctrl: Monitoring of human influenza variants. (11) Fly-DPI: Drosophila Database of Protein Interactome. (12) GEMSiRV: A software platform for GEnome-scale Metabolic model Simulation, Reconstruction and Visualization. (13) GEOBLAST: identify similar profile of microbial by sequences in geographic BLAST. (14) hp-DPI: H. pylori Database of Protein Interactome. (15) Hubba: Hub objects analyzer, a web-based service designed to explore the essential nodes in a network. (16) HUNTER: hub-attachment based method to detect functional modules from confidence-scored protein interactions and expression profiles. (17) ICES: Identification of cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitopes for swine viruses. (18) IGOF: IGOF implements three powerful gene-based gene-gene interaction tests for common, low-frequency, and common with low-frequency variant pairs in case-control studies using next-generation sequencing data. (19) metasquare_db: Metasquare Database 1.0 for Metagenomics in 16s rRNA. (20) modPhEA: model organism Phenotype Enrichment Analysis of eukaryotic gene. (21) MrBAC: A webserver for draft Metabolic network reconstruction for Bacteria. (22) MyBLAST: a customized BLAST platform for genomics and proteomics with paralleled computing Standalone version. (23) mySORT: Using Deconvolution Approach to Estimating Immune Cell Composition from Transcriptome. (24) PALM: Phylogenetic reconstruction by Automatic Likelihood Model selector. (25) PalPALM: Standalone Java-based phylogenetic pipeline in parallel computation. (26) PDA: Primer Design Assistant. (27) POWER: Phylogenetic Web Repeater. (28) PSEP System: A Comparative Method for Identification of Gene Structures and Alternatively Spliced Variants. (29) RNAi: analysis tool : Software for two-channel cell-based RNAi data. (30) Spotlight: Identify protein complex from network. (31) TLCRP: Risk prediction models for lung cancer. Taiwan Never-smoking females Lung cancer risk calculator. (32) UPS: Unique Probe Selector. (33) Virus Hunter: Smart Genotyping on Upper Respiratory Pathogens in AI.
B.Customized services |
(1) Array-based genomics studies data analysis (2) Next generation sequencing data analysis (3) Bioinformatic analysis of functional genomics (4) Genetic studies data analysis (5) Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics data analyses and model prediction (6) Viral bioinformatics data analysis (7) Comparative genomics analysis (8) Customized database development (9) Clinical trial data management and statistical analyses (10) Consultation