「生物醫學統計新發展研討會」由國家衛生研究院生物統計與生物資訊研究組、生醫資料庫辦公室及基因體醫學國家型科技計畫所主辦,於2007年6月28-29日在國家衛生研究院竹南院區舉行。國家衛生研究院竹南院區為生物醫學研究之重鎮,亦大力發展生物統計與生物資訊,本次藉由多位國際統計學者來台參與6月25-27日在中研院舉辦之「The 2007 Taipei International Statistical Symposium and ICSA International Conference」,順道邀請一些國際重量級統計學者來竹南演講。講座將有芝加哥大學 Professor Peter McCullagh,並邀請國內外著名大學教授數十位,此次研討會將著重於以下生物醫學統計領域:基因體研究、生物資訊、微陣列分析、臨床試驗、遺傳統計、風險評估、存活分析、長期追蹤資料分析等。本次的研討會,將詳細的介紹各領域的最新發展及實際應用,精采可期,相信對於國內這方面研究將大有助益。
「Symposium on Recent Development of Statistics in Biological Sciences」 is sponsored by National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) and the National Research Program for Genomic Medicine (NRPGM), and is organized by the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics and Office of Biomedical Informatics, NHRI. The symposium will be held at one of the major biomedical research centers in Taiwan, the ZhuNan campus of NHRI, on June 28-29, 2007. NHRI has long dedicated to the developments of biostatistics and bioinformatics to support biomedical research. We took the opportunity of the event 「The 2007 Taipei International Statistical Symposium and ICSA International Conference」 and invited the participating prestigious scholars to gather together to share their expertise as well as advances in statistics in biomedical sciences. Professor Peter McCullagh from University of Chicago, USA, will give a keynote speech and more than a dozen renowned scholars from the US, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan will give lectures with topics covering genomics research, bioinformatics, microarray analysis, clinical trials, statistical genetics, risk assessment analysis, survival analysis, and longitudinal data analysis. We believe the symposium will benefit our audience greatly in both delivering cutting edge knowledge and exchanging experiences in research and development.
Dr. Chao Agnes Hsiung (Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, National Health Research Institutes ) Dr. Yen-Feng Chiu (Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, National Health Research Institutes ) Dr. Xiao-Li Meng (Department of Statistics, Harvard University) Prof. I-Shou Chang (Institute of Cancer Research, National Health Research Institutes)